Who are we
El restaurant Can Met is located in the Comarca de la Garrotxa, in Mieres.
The gastronomy of La Garrotxa is a reference in the samples of the good table of the counties of Girona and Catalonia.
In Mieres we have a good example of service and good know-how between stoves.
The gastronomic offer of Mieres us offers a range of dishes to enjoy the authentic local cuisine of La Garrotxa.
We have three dining rooms with a total capacity of 80 people.
Also of a car park right in front of the restaurant and a terrace.
We have a daily menu from Tuesday to Friday and a la carte service on weekends, with a wide variety of dishes to choose from.
Our bet is a cuisine based on the culinary tradition of the area.
With high quality local products.
Monday closed
Tuesday - Saturday 8: 00 am - 8:00 pm
Diumenge 8: 00 am - 7:00 pm
Holidays: 8:00 am - 7:00 pm